Join Wellness Week!

Cost effective detox and stem cell therapy wellness weeks

Be Realistic, Expect Miracles

Everything Your Body Needs


We are honored and excited you are considering spending a week at our clinic!  You may have some questions on what to expect and what procedures will be performed. Please look over this information. If there are questions you still have please give us a call and we will put you in touch with our Wellness Week representative. 

Wellness Week is five days of healing focused on you. There are up to forty-eight different therapies and treatments you can receive for anything from Lyme Disease to Type 1 Diabetes, to MS, and nearly every chronic illness.

This may seem like a lot of therapies to do in one week. Well, it is! In order for the body to be cleaned thoroughly, we have organized specific protocols for you while you are here.  Many of the listed therapies below will help break down and release toxins from your body. If we allow these toxins to circulate in our bloodstream without eliminating them, we have only allowed them to rehome themselves and begin to cause dis-ease.

Another area heavily focused on is your emotional health. This is also a huge and overlooked part of health. Many of you may be in chronic pain or have symptoms that have not been recognized by other practitioners. In these situations, it’s easy to get discouraged. You may feel that past health paths have left you drained and unsure. No matter how small or severe your health issues are, they still have an emotional effect on you. It’s important for this area of wellness to be addressed, and this week’s therapies were designed with this in mind.

The atmosphere is positive and uplifting. We bring in chronic illness specialists who tailor-make treatment plans designed specifically for you working on your individual concerns and conditions. 

Cleansing your body is vitally important for proper system function, but rebuilding weak cells to create happy healthy cells is also important and has become our second task. For this reason, we have incorporated several therapies to help rebuild your body through our protocol. These therapies will help strengthen your body and vitalize you.

We are excited to help you bring balance to your health. We hope you understand how important each therapy is individually and combined. 

Many people feel that following just one approach will allow them to achieve their health goals, but when you look at the body as a whole you will quickly understand why one therapy isn’t enough. This balanced schedule brings health through cleansing, strengthening, supporting, and rebuilding. If you were to take any of those away your body couldn’t achieve full health.

We stress that each therapy is vitally important for proper detox. For example: If the ionic footbath is removed from the protocol, the Chelation Therapy will not have a strong detox.  You see, Chelation Therapy helps pull stored toxins (such as heavy metals) out of the body. Not all of these toxins can be flushed out through your urinary tract. Those that are not flushed will be caused to resettle or find a new home and possibly creating a new symptom.  With the ionic foot bath, the Chelation will still pull the toxins but allows them to be flushed in multiple ways leaving your body cleaner.  This is vitally important for later in the week, which will allow the stem cells to take hold and repair the body. Instead of only cleansing the body for preparation to rebuild.  Again, each therapy is placed in the protocol for a very specific purpose- to build a healthier and stronger you.

We know many of you have been from doctor's office to doctor’s office looking for help with your health and still haven’t found answers to your issues. It is important to remember that during this week we are not focusing on only one problem but on your body as a whole. No one treatment is a cure-all and anyone who says it is should be questioned.  A lot has gone into designing this special holistic week and we look forward to helping you reach your wellness goals.

We have helped people with general health concerns as well as chronic issues including, Lyme Disease, ALS, Arthritis, MS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Crones, allergies, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Parkinson's Disease, and the list goes on and on.

In the past treatment, this comprehensive was only offered out of the country but with the legalization of stem cells, there is no longer a need to cross the border for high-quality treatment no matter the condition.

 Contact us today so you can join us at Wellness Week and focus on improving your quality of life.

  • Hope - Feel better & repair your chronically ill body

  • Affordable - All therapies included for 1 low price

  • Options - Both traditional & holistic medicine

  • Convenient - USA base Stem Cell Therapy available

  • Smart - No insurance or co-pay needed

  • Managed Care - Before, during & after

  • Support - A community of empathy

  • Quality - Over 65 years of combined experience

Clinic Week saved and changed my life. I was wheelchair-bound with a condition that was being over looked by all other medical places. Not only am I walking now but I am able to work and go about my life feeling better than I ever have
— B.C. - Utah

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wellness Week costs $5960. This is for all therapies listed above. If the practitioner feels any additional labs are needed with an additional cost they will discuss this with you before the additional labs are run. At the end of the week, a protocol will be recommended for your continued care. This protocol is optional to you at an additional cost.

  • No, insurance will not cover clinic week. The majority of the therapies are not considered medical or do not fall under necessity. We do not run anything through insurance associated with Wellness Week.

  • We can easily roll your deposit to another month. If you have deposited and are looking at other options for your health there is a refund available. However, there is a cancellation fee that will be assessed.

  • Once a deposit is made you will receive an information packet. This packet will have information on many of the therapies you will be participating in. It will also have the informed consent/ health history forms that we will need you to fill out and send back to us. Once we receive this packet (filled out) our nurse practitioner will begin the review. You will have a phone appointment scheduled with the NP and your health concerns and goals will be discussed.

    The week prior to Wellness Week you will receive another email with your week’s schedule and an appointment with our Wellness Week Representative will be made. They will call you the Thursday or Friday before you come to help answer questions you may have and explain any procedure you may have questions about.

  • Literally anyone! Regardless if you are an athlete or chronically ill Wellness Week is beneficial for everyone. For the athlete who wants to maintain and prevent health issues Wellness week is perfect for that quick boost when it’s needed. For the person with chronic issues, Wellness Week helps detox, support, and repair the body. People with many different health concerns including the following have attended Wellness Week:

    Diabetes, Crohn's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), IBS, Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS), Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Hashimoto's, Alzheimer/Dementia, Depression/Anxiety, Auto-Immune Disease, Cancer, Liver/Kidney Failure, Heart Disease, Inflammation, and more.

    Wellness Week has the potential to help support anyone who is wanting to prevent or those who are seeking something more.

  • The maximum people allowed to attend Wellness Week will vary depending on staffing and resources available. This is to make sure that each person is able to receive the best care from each of the therapists. We would never allow a therapist to be so overwhelmed that it would affect the benefit of the therapy. You are ensured you will receive the best care possible.

  • People dealing with chronic conditions must remember it has taken years for them to get "sick" and it could take years for them to recover. Wellness Week is a fast track on the road to recovery. Wellness Week helps jump-start your body for a quicker healing process. We have seen clients who do have astonishing "miracles" in just one week. We would hope that all our clients were this way, but many of those who deal with chronic issues require continual assistance until they are fully thriving. Our goal is to get you there as quickly as possible with as few visits as possible!

  • In our office, we use Mesenchymal stem cells. These stem cells are derived from the umbilical cord and placental tissues from fully developed healthy born babies. The mother and infant are screened for health issues and the cells go through additional screenings to ensure healthy, viable cells for you.


    Zulma Gazit, ... Dan Gazit, in Principles of Regenerative Medicine (Second Edition), 2011

    This chapter provides an introduction to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs are widely defined as a plastic-adherent cell population that can be directed to differentiate in vitro into cells of osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, and other lineages. MSCs proliferate and give rise to daughter cells that have the same pattern of gene expression and phenotype and, therefore, maintain the “stemness” of the original cells. Self-renewal and differentiation potential are two criteria that define MSCs as real stem cells. MSCs exhibit the potential to differentiate into the osteogenic, chondrogenic, adipogenic, tenogenic, myogenic, or stromal lineages.


    Anand Srinivasan, ... Rogelio Zamilpa, in A Roadmap to Non-Hematopoietic Stem Cell-based Therapeutics, 2019


    Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are nonhematopoietic cells that play critical roles in tissue repair and regeneration. The application of MSCs for wound repair has been triggered by identified roles in the regulation of inflammatory, fibrotic, and tissue remodeling responses. Concomitantly, the ability of MSCs to differentiate and give rise to multiple cell types such as adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts has fueled their potential for regenerative medicine applications. Unique characteristics such as the phenomenal ability of MSCs to home to areas of injury and release trophic factors to influence host tissue responses make MSCs a great tool for both tissue repair and regeneration.

Your Medical Needs

When it comes to your health are you confident you are getting the care you need? Try a more investigative medial approach.