Nutritional IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) nutrition therapy is a therapy that delivers vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other natural substances directly into your bloodstream. While oral substances require your digestive tract to process the nutrient (which can also lead to deficiencies if malabsorption is an issue), IV nutrition feeds vitamins directly to your bloodstream. This allows them to skip past the digestive system resulting in significantly quicker results. 

We have a variety of standard IV blends such as our Immune Boost or Calming Blend, but we realize that every person is different. For those whose care is managed here, we have the ability to customize each IV specific to your needs.

  • Myers Cocktail: This bag is beneficial for helping to enhance you immune system, reduce fatigue, reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia and asthma, or need help with seasonal allergies.

  • Hydration Bag: This bags is beneficial for those who are dehydrated.

  • High Dose Vitamin C Bag: This bags is beneficial for those who need help with the production of collagen for blood vessels, bones, ligaments and skin, you need assistance with adrenalin (fatigue) and cellular energy (carnitine synthesis), support for antioxidant function, and immune system support.

  • Energy Bag: This bag is beneficial for those feeling run down, waking up tired, fatigued in the afternoon, or just need a pick me up.

  • Sports and Muscle Recovery Bag: This bag is beneficial for those participating in sports or who are going to the gym for muscle tone and personal fitness purposes.. Great for those who need quick muscle recovery or sports recovery.

  • Immune Bag: This bag is beneficial for those who need immune support or those who are looking for a natural way to prevent viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.

  • Youthful Rejuvenation Bag: This is for those who would like to slow the aging process.

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