Foot Zone Therapy
Within each person’s feet lie detailed and complex signal systems. This signal system is thought to be connected to every part of the human anatomy- the circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, skeletal, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and muscular system, as well as the emotional and spiritual bodies. These signals are believed to run throughout our bodies, especially to the extremities, the ears, hands and especially the feet. Extensive research has proven the feet to be very accurate in correlating the mapped reflex points to the systems of the body. With this mapping, a trained and certified Foot Zone Balance practitioner is able to access the body.
Foot Zone Balancing is a method believed to correct and renew the entire body as a cellular level. From the beginning, each cell in our body has been programmed with immortal memory, meaning that the cell has the knowledge and capability of renewing itself.